The SEAT project involves 12 Work Packages examining many areas of the aquaculture industry and trade from Asia to the EU from producers to consumers. Some key outcomes of the project are listed below and further details are available through the ‘Work Packages’ pages of this website.

  • Creation of the Ethical Aquatic Food Index (EAFI) with values relating to food production, processing and marketing for all relevant stakeholders
  • Development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology for use in comparing environmental performance of products and services in the industry
  • Review and development of environmental models for quantitative investigation of environmental sustainability and quality standards of aquaculture systems
  • Examination of Global Value Chains (GVC) for relevant aquaculture products including analysis of socio-economic dimensions. Information asymmetries assessed for all actors in the GVC and the implications for market access
  • Improve safety of aquaculture produce for all stakeholders in the value chain, and improved control of occupational health and safety for farmers
  • Examination of impacts of chemical inputs to aquaculture systems and associated risk assessment development for endpoints e.g. ecosystem, produce and consumers
  • Evidence-based ethical advice for policy makers, standard setting organisations and consumers to inform participatory standards development and awareness raising
  • Provision of guidance to Asian exporters and regulatory agencies relating to policy within the EU hygiene package and implementation of the EAFI

©2012 Project of Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade.
College of Aquaculture & Fisheries - Can Tho University. All Rights Reserved. 
Address: 3/2 Street, Cantho City, Vietnam 
Tel: (+84-292) 3834307 - Fax: (+84-292) 3830323 - 3830247